Now is a great time to frame your 3-D items in a shadowbox, here is a post from 2012 that answers some popular questions about how it's done.
Can you frame a...
Framing 3-D items into a shadowbox is one of the most mysterious services a custom frame shop can offer, and the techniques used are closely held secrets that are passed on from framer to framer.
Of course that isn't true, but I get asked more questions about shadowboxes than any other service we offer. Here are some FAQs that should demystify the situation:
1. What is a Shadowbox?
A shadowbox describes any frame where there is a visible space between the glass and the mat. This space is often used to accommodate 3-D objects but even flat paper art can be framed in this way.
2. What can I put into a Shadowbox?
The most common items that we put into shadowboxes are clothing items (think sports jerseys) or small collections of similar items (think war medals), but pretty much anything can be framed in a shadowbox. I like to draw the line at perishable items because they could present a big problem in the future!
3. How are the items attached in the frame?
For the most part, items in shadowboxes are sewn down using a matching thread or clear fishing line. Items that can't be sewn can be attached using mylar strips, specially designed acrylic mounting brackets (think swords and guns), or as a last resort- a silicone adhesive.
4. Are Shadowboxes more expensive than regular frames?
The short answer- yes.
The long answer- Shadowbox frames are deeper than regular frames so they tend to be slightly more expensive. The big difference in the price of a shadowbox and a regular frame is the labor involved in attaching the items to the mat. So the more items in a shadowbox, the higher the cost. But a typical shadowbox will probably be 30-50% more than a comparable frame for flat artwork.
A well done shadowbox in your home or office will be a conversation piece that you can pass down for generations. Come in to see what we can create for your special items!
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